Nune Aka Mr. Propane’s Interview With Star Intl 99.9 Radio Station!

1- Can you please tell us how did you start your music career?
I’ve always been a huge fan of the hip-hop genre due to artist like Tupac Shakur, Nas, and later on others like Lupe Fiasco and K-Rino. These artists excel at telling focused stories in their music that relate on multiple different subjects and levels. I’ve always enjoyed the socially charged lyricism and spirit of righteousness of artist like Tupac and K-Rino. Around 2017, when Drill music became the new mainstream and many artists started riding the wave, I felt the need and urge to write, as I wanted to hear more substance and positivity in the lyrics during a time where the rap genre started transitioning. The passion grew stronger and stronger as my creativity expanded, and I began recording my music while growing more comfortable with my potential. The more I wrote and recorded, the more I became focused on wanting to learn all aspects of the industry to better prepare myself in the steps it would take to make it independent.
2- What are your achievements so far and main targets please?
So far I have released my first album, called Intervention, where I was able to work with my favorite music artist, “K-Rino”. He’s a rap artist from Houston, Texas and has always been a huge influence as someone I aspire to learn from in life and music. The song, which featured K-Rino (pronounced K-Reeno), called “Black Man” won an award for Best Indie Rap Single in 2020 through the W.A.M Awards (We Are The Music Makers). The song brought two different perspectives during the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Not only that, but that album was Engineered by that of Grammy Nominated Beau Vallis and produced by Platinum selling composer Jan Branicki (Dreamlife). I also secured three song licensing opportunities for TV/Sports & film licensing. My main goal is to create positive, uplifting hiphop music that has the reach of Major artist similar to how the artist Russ grew his platform. I look to help other incredible artist from my area get their music to the masses also as I build up my platform to something akin to a record label. Getting my music in huge films the like of the Marvel line of movies and other Franchises is a huge goal of mine.
3- What are your near future plans and projects including your new upcoming release?
My near term plans has been focused on completing my sophomore album titled “Soul Hop” and getting my music Nationwide to FM stations state-to-state. My new singles off the project called “Bring Me Down” & “All I See” are just the beginning of my new campaign in regards to marketing. I am looking for Major Distribution Partners to help spread the music to those that love quality, good music with a positive motivational vibe which I excel at. I would like to work with other artist currently climbing the charts like Morray, D. Smoke, & Joyner Lucas, who are three of my favorite artist that have secured Major airplay due to the quality of their music. Other favorites like J. Cole, Jill Scott, Sir, and many others are definitely on my bucket list to work with one day. I’m holding on to the Album for the time being as I attract more Business partners and grow leverage and my fanbase.
4- Are you opened to work on multiple music genres or just one?
A lot of my music has many R&B elements, and I love the chill vibe of a lot of Pop songs so I’m always interested to working with different concepts musically. Billie Eilish and Adele are two artist I’d like to work with along with Kanye West and the Kid LaRoi who I just started jamming recently. I love alternative music that sounds different from whats the trend and love thinking out the box to create music that has different energy to whats currently the norm and also has a strong message. Spiritually guided artist like Lecrae and Bizzle are other genre mashing artist that excel at the art of being positive in their writing while still maintaining mainstream appeal and I look to them as influencers as I continue to ride my lane and follow my passion.
5- What do you like to tell to your supporters out there now?
I’d like to thank everyone who has taking the time to not only listen, but taken the extra steps of hitting that like, heart, or reshare button because the music related to them in a positive way. For those who helped me along the way and believed in me and my effort no matter how unlikely it may have seemed really means a lot. I want them all to know that I look forward to growing and getting better with each new release and using my Platform to increase awareness and positivity in the industry and our communities. Previews and other goodies can be seen on my Instagram page @nune_mrpropane & official website For states that have legalized hemp derived CBD, my company De-Plug CBD Supply, LLC will soon be live on the official website to order premium hemp derived cannabis along with other vape products and merch. I have links there if anyone wants to collaborate on music and for those that like video can checkout and subscribe to my YouTube channel