President Hill Interview With Kiss FM 102.5

1- Can you please tell us how did you start your music career?
- I started in my room at my grandmother’s house in southwest Atlanta when I was 12 years old. My cousin came up from Miami and he began to teach me how to connect bars and to be intentional with my lyrics. I have not seen him since, that’s just life you know. Now I’m beginning to think that was apart of his calling because after that weekend my career was started.
2- What are your achievements so far and main targets please?
- I have just started to actually market my music. The business side has been setup in the background for quite sometime. Now we are beginning to get awesome feed back on the music, so our numbers are increasing everyday and for that I am humbled and thankful. The goal is to reach as many of people that dig my music as possible because they are the true citizens of Merciless Nation.
3- What are your near future plans and projects including your new upcoming release?
- I have been working on the tracks for the upcoming album “The Elected” I want to release in the spring of 2022.
4- Are you opened to work on multiple music genres or just one?
- Yes, I have a passion for a couple different genres of music Pop, Indie Rock and of course Hip Hop/ Trap. I typically infuse it with our “Merciless” flavor.
5- What do you like to tell to your supporters out there now?
-I am here to serve them. Whatever success or influence that comes from my music would not be possible without them, so however my music motivates them to pursue their dreams and to accomplish there goals. Making awesome memories with my music playing in the background is amazing. I am humble to have this opportunity to be there with them on there journey.
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