Zpextre Interview on Kiss FM 102.5 Radio!

1- Can you tell us, how did you start your music career?
In College I sang in choir and played in a New Wave band. But for the most part, playing music was a personal journey that kept me balanced. I can bug out on the piano or guitar for hours, adding food to my soul. Zpextre grew out of a need to put my thoughts and experiences to words. So I went into the studio with my good friend Kojak (Producer) and we instantly clicked. We made these songs, and people seemed to like them. I feel that I have a unique perspective on life and I want to share it.
2- What are your achievements so far and main targets please?
It’s hard to comment about achievements, but I can tell you that my personal favorite moments in music have been playing improvised Avant Garde music at art openings. It is enormously satisfying to move with sound and energy the way it wants to leave your body. To perform a fleeting art piece that disappears the moment it leaves your fingers. My goal with music at this point is to create music that is meaningful and helpful to humanity. Music that will resonate with people of all walks of life. And to contribute to a society that has cared for me.
3- What are your near future plans and projects including your new upcoming release?
Currently I have released 5 songs, and I’d like to finish the videos for all of them before releasing anything new. After they are done, I’ll be releasing two songs. Mirror Mirror is a psychological analysis of our 45th President and, Flash Back is a dream state of how we distract our Psyche with false narratives.
4- Are you opened to work on multiple music genres or just one?
Absolutely. I truly love all music, and there are a lot of types out there. I will admit that there are some that I’m not versed very well at, but I’m willing to learn. Music is a gift that is complicated and difficult to analyze. Metrics and algorithmic pathways can reveal broad concepts, but they are not able to explain why the performance of any particular piece can affect people so differently. Yes, I would welcome any opportunity to do something new
.5- What would you like to tell to your supporters out there now?
I love you and thank you! Thank you for the space you’ve given me and thank you for being part of this world.